Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Erica glutinosa, Erica glutinosa var. glutinosa, Erica glutinosa var. parviflora
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Bolus Herbarium

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
47375Pillans, N.S.   26961915-12-16
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Peninsula. Upper end of Silver Mine Valley.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
47376Wolley-Dod, A.H.   8621896-02-03
South Africa, Western Cape, Table Mountain. Lower Plateau.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
47377Salter, T.M.   71951938-05-05
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Peninsula. Vlaggenberg [Vlakkenberg]

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
47378Pillans, N.S.   s.n.1943-02-14
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Dist.; southern end of Twelve Apostles, plateau on top.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
47379Esterhuysen, E.E.   126281946-02-03
South Africa, Western Cape, Table Mt, near Hely-Hutchinson Reservoir., 670m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
47380Pillans, N.S.   83361936-02-23
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Peninsula. Table Mountain, Lower Plateau.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180904Schlechter, F.R.R.   102771897-02-11
South Africa, Western Cape, Paarl, In montibus pone French Hoek [mts. around French Hoek], 762m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180905Burchell, W.J.   81981815-03-25
South Africa, Western Cape, On the mountains on the north side of Hottentots Holland Kloof at the source of the Steenbrass River.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180906Ecklon, C.F.   s.n.
South Africa, Western Cape, Stellenbosch. QDS: 3418BB (Grid name: Simonstown), Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Sir Lowry's Pass and Palmiet River [Locality 56. Refer to Botanical Exploration of southern Africa, Strelitizia 26: Details of Ecklon and Zeyher localities]., 610 - 1219m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180907Unknown   Sub-BH38650
South Africa, Western Cape, Without locality.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180908Bodkin, A.A.   Sub-Bolus s.n.
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon, Caledon, Zwarteberg [Swartberg]., 762m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180909Zeyher, C.L.P.   s.n.
South Africa, Western Cape, Grietjesgat.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180910Ecklon, C.F.   s.n.
South Africa, Western Cape, Stellenbosch. QDS: 3418BB (Grid name: Simonstown), Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Sir Lowry's Pass and Palmiet River [Locality 56. Refer to Botanical Exploration of southern Africa, Strelitizia 26: Details of Ecklon and Zeyher localities]., 610 - 1219m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180911Drege   s.n.
South Africa, Western Cape, Du Toitskloof., 914 - 1219m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180912Unknown   a.n.
South Africa, Western Cape, Locality description in old German. Table Mt.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180913Bolus, H.   8030
South Africa, Western Cape, In monte pone montem Tabularem [on mountains behind Table Mountain], 731m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180914Bolus, H.   4170
South Africa, Western Cape, Grietjesgat prope [near] Palmiet R., 213m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180915Esterhuysen, E.E.   134121946-12-27
South Africa, Western Cape, Ceres, Ceres Div.; E. slopes of Olifants River Mts. at Visgat., 914 - 1219m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180916Stokoe, T.P.   7911
South Africa, Western Cape, Ceres, Ceres Div.; Schoongezicht Peak.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180918Stokoe, T.P.   6498
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon, Caledon Div.; Genadendal, top of Baviaans Kloof.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180919Bolus, H.   s.n.
South Africa, Western Cape, In clivis [on slopes], 975m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180920Stokoe, T.P.   7910
South Africa, Western Cape, Worcester, Worcester Div.; Boschjesveld Mts., 1219m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180921Barker, W.F.   s.n.1936-01-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon, Caledon Div.; River Zonder Einde Bridge, at foot of French Hoek Pass.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180922Esterhuysen, E.E.   212781953-04-04
South Africa, Western Cape, Ceres, Ceres Div.; E. foot of Schoongezicht, Cold Bokkeveld Mts.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180923Schlechter, F.R.R.   72341896-01-15
South Africa, Western Cape, Strand, Sir Lowry's Pass, 457m

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180924Loubser, J.W.   831
South Africa, Western Cape, Paarl, Paarl-Worcester Dist.; du Toits Kloof.

Erica glutinosa P.J.Bergius
180925Esterhuysen, E.E.   135381947-01-02
South Africa, Western Cape, Paarl, Paarl Div.; Haalhoek Spitzkop., 914 - 1219m

185401Guthrie, F.A.   1006
South Africa, Western Cape, Table Mountain., 914m

185402Adamson, R.S.   s.n.1926-01-07
South Africa, Western Cape, Table Mountain, Groot Kop.

185427Kensit, E.G.   s.n.
South Africa, Western Cape, Table Mountain, Disa Gorge.

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