Dataset: BOL
Search Criteria: South Africa; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1492, records 149101-149200 of 189241

Bolus Herbarium

Lopidium pennaeforme (Thunb. ex Brid.) M.Fleisch.
175797Hedderson, T.A.J.   155202004-01-10
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. QDS: 3130AA (Grid name: Port Edward), Port Edward area. Umtamvuna Nature Gorge. On east side of the river.\\n31, -31.029166 30.173611, 230 - 230m

Lopidium pennaeforme (Thunb. ex Brid.) M.Fleisch.
175798Hedderson, T.A.J.   169842009-05-05
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3322DD (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), Southern Cape. Sedgefield-Knysna area, Karatara. Karatara Forest.\\n33, -33.890277 22.8575, 350 - 350m

Lopidium pennaeforme (Thunb. ex Brid.) M.Fleisch.
175799Hedderson, T.A.J.   147422002-09-23
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3323DC (Grid name: Willowmore), Nature's Valley. Grootrivier Pass.\\n33, -33.972222 23.544444, 180 - 180m

Lopidium pennaeforme (Thunb. ex Brid.) M.Fleisch.
175800Hedderson, T.A.J.   150542003-02-28
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3322DD (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), Southern Cape. Knysna-Sedgefield Area, Outeniqua Mountains. Goudini Forest, Jubilee trail section of the Outeniqua Trail.\\n33, -33.8875 22.9675, 450 - 450m

Lopidium pennaeforme (Thunb. ex Brid.) M.Fleisch.
175801Hedderson, T.A.J.   150112003-02-27
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3323DC (Grid name: Willowmore), Nature's Valley. Along river near Tsitsikamma National Park.\\n33, -33.971666 23.600277, 100 - 100m

Lopidium pennaeforme (Thunb. ex Brid.) M.Fleisch.
175802Taylor, C   4881952-08-12
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3322DD (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), Knysna Div.: Sourflats Forest.

Lopidium pennaeforme (Thunb. ex Brid.) M.Fleisch.
175803Rehmann, A.   301
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3322CD (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), In silvis supra Blanco [in woods adjoining Blanco]

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175804Hedderson, T.A.J.   HBCT1872011-09-05
South Africa, Western Cape, Touws River Dist.. QDS: 3320AA (Grid name: Montagu), Pienaarskloof, valley to S of Karookop., -33.224111 20.155583, 915m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175805Hedderson, T.A.J.   HBCT2592011-09-05
South Africa, Western Cape, Touws River Dist.. QDS: 3320AA (Grid name: Montagu), Bontberg, on mountain N of Tuinkloof., -33.193638 20.120027, 1275m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175806Hedderson, T.A.J.   158972005-01-25
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318DA (Grid name: Cape Town), Malmesbury Area. Rustenburg Farm., -33.508611 18.699444, 170 - 170m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175807Hedderson, T.A.J.   159592005-06-10
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3319CB (Grid name: Worcester), Worcester Area. Karoo National Botanic Garden. Trail though formal beds near glasshouses., -33.612592 19.450205, 340 - 340m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175808Hedderson, T.A.J.   159862001-06-16
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318BD (Grid name: Cape Town), Riebeek Kasteel area. Wynkeldershoek., -33.387558 18.834755, 150 - 150m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175809Hedderson, T.A.J.   159882001-06-16
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318BD (Grid name: Cape Town), Riebeek Kasteel area. Wynkeldershoek., -33.387558 18.834755, 150 - 150m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175810Hedderson, T.A.J.   159912005-06-16
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318DA (Grid name: Cape Town), Malmesbury Area. Rustenburg Farm., -33.508611 18.699444, 170 - 170m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175811Hedderson, T.A.J.   184782013-09-22
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3320CA (Grid name: Montagu), Touws River Area. Road from R318 to Nougaspoort, at Drie Kuilen, near farm buildings., -33.582027 20.028222, 1025 - 1025m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175812Hedderson, T.A.J.   176152011-08-13
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3420AB (Grid name: Bredasdorp), Swellendam Area. Bontebok National Park. Lang Elsie's Rest Camp. Near chalets., -34.075388 20.454277, 60 - 60m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175813Hedderson, T.A.J.   176362011-08-13
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3420AB (Grid name: Bredasdorp), Swellendam Area. Bontebok National Park. Lower end of the game drive, near rest camp., -34.077055 20.456083, 60 - 60m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175814Hedderson, T.A.J.   168392008-08-29
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3319DB (Grid name: Worcester), Robertson Area. Dassieshoek Nature Reserve., -33.7475 19.891388, 408 - 408m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175815Hedderson, T.A.J.   164512007-08-30
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3420AB (Grid name: Bredasdorp), Swellendam Area. East of the R319, on dirt road from the N2 to Cape Infanta., -34.203055 20.351111, 190 - 190m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175816Hedderson, T.A.J.   175502010-10-04
South Africa, Northern Cape. QDS: 3119AC (Grid name: Calvinia), Nieuwoudtville Area. Van Rhyns Pass, on South side of R27, just below summit of pass on edge of escarpment., -31.378286 19.021155, 770 - 770m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175817Hedderson, T.A.J.   179192011-10-21
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town. Signal Hill. Above Sea Point area of city., -33.918247 18.400747, 320 - 320m

Ludorugbya springbokorum Hedd. & R.H.Zander
175818Hedderson, T.A.J.   179242011-10-21
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town. Signal Hill. Above Sea Point area of city., -33.918247 18.400747, 320 - 320m

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175819Bertaine, G.   11955-05-12
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town. Skeleton Gorge., 152 - 152m

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175820Hedderson, T.A.J.   148932002-10-25
South Africa, Eastern Cape. QDS: 3326BC (Grid name: Grahamstown), Grahamstown area. Signal Hill, on southern slope., -33.333333 26.514722, 750 - 750m

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175821Hedderson, T.A.J.   149052002-10-25
South Africa, Eastern Cape. QDS: 3326BC (Grid name: Grahamstown), Grahamstown area. Signal Hill, at summit., -33.333333 26.514722, 750 - 750m

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175822Hedderson, T.A.J.   151232003-06-25
South Africa, Eastern Cape. QDS: 3325BD (Grid name: Port Elizabeth), Addo Elephant Park. Spekboom Lookout area., -33.491666 25.768055, 330 - 330m

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175823Hedderson, T.A.J.   149402002-11-16
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3320DC (Grid name: Montagu), Riversdale Dist. Langeberg. Tradouw's Pass. Gorge of Tradouw's River., -33.948333 20.698611, 180 - 180m

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175824Hylander, K.   108342000-11-27
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town, Table Mountain. Rooikatkloof, south eastern slopes, 30m into ravine above 400m contour path., -33.994444 18.419444, 400 - 400m

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175825Hylander, K.   108362000-12-07
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3418AB (Grid name: Simonstown), Cape Town, Table Mountain, Orangekloof. Langkloof, 20m above jeep track, in ravine, -34.003611 18.383333, 200 - 200m

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175826Hylander, K.   108382000-12-21
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318DD (Grid name: Cape Town), Stellenbosch, Jonkershoek. Verlorekloof, ca 1.5km south-west of Jonkershoek Dam., -33.990555 18.939444, 520 - 520m

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175827Leighton, F.M.   Sub-CH 129791955-01-22
South Africa, Limpopo. QDS: 2429BB (Grid name: Zebediela), Wolkberg, summit.

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175828Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   78681978-04-26
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Cape Province. Tsitsikama Forest National Park. Tree Fern Trail. 3423BB.

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175829Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   78701978-04-26
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Cape Province. Tsitsikama Forest National Park. Tree Fern Trail. 3423BB.

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175830Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   29901956-07-07
South Africa, Limpopo, Zoutpansberg Div.: Zoutpansberg, Shafeera Estate., 1219 - 1219m

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175831Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   76131972-07-12
South Africa, Mpumalanga, Pilgrims Rest Division; Mt. Sheba.

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175832Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   s.n.1968-11-23
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Albany Dist. Grahamstown, Fern Kloof.

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175833Rehmann, A.   165b
South Africa, Western Cape, In Monte Tabulari. [Cape Town, Table Mountain].

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175834Rehmann, A.   159
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town, supra [above] Camps Bay.

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175835McLea, J.H.   A. Rehmann 513b
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Terra Capensis orientalis: Valley of Desolation.

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175836McLea, J.H.   A. Rehmann 513
South Africa, Mpumalanga, Transvaalia : in mont. Kwatlamba circa MacMac [Kwatlamba = Drakensberg (Bothalia 14, 1: 1-14 1982), around Mac Mac].

Macrocoma lycopodioides (Schwagr.) Vitt
175837Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   7650
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3420AB (Grid name: Bredasdorp), Swellendam. Marloth Reserve.

Macrocoma pulchella (Hornsch.) Vitt
175838Esterhuysen, E.E.   26167
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Bergville Dist. Injasuti area, Drakensberg., 1829 - 1829m

Macrocoma pulchella (Hornsch.) Vitt
175839Hylander, K.   108392000-12-18
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318DD (Grid name: Cape Town), Stellenbosch, Jonkershoek Plantation. Heuningkloof, ca 1250m east of Jonkershoek Dam., -33.969444 18.955555, 480 - 480m

Macrocoma pulchella (Hornsch.) Vitt
175840Hylander, K.   108402000-12-06
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town, Table Mountain, Orange Kloof. Original Disa Gorge, ca. 100m above jeep track (400m contour) in ravine., -33.996111 18.398888, 400 - 400m

Macrocoma pulchella (Hornsch.) Vitt
175841Hylander, K.   108412000-12-06
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town, Table Mountain, Orange Kloof. Original Disa Gorge, ca. 100m above jeep track (400m contour) in ravine., -33.996111 18.398888, 400 - 400m

Macrocoma pulchella (Hornsch.) Vitt
175842Sim, T.R.   9269
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Peninsula, Table Mountain. Blinkwater., 1500 - 1500m

175843Adamson, R.S.   s.n.1948-09-22
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318DD (Grid name: Cape Town), Stellenbosch. Jonkershoek. Swartboskloof., 701 - 701m

Macrocoma tenuis (Hook. & Grev.) Vitt
175844Adamson, R.S.   248761948-09-22
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318DD (Grid name: Cape Town), Stellenbosch, Jonkershoek, Swartbos Kloof., 701m

175845Adamson, R.S.   248811948-09-22
South Africa, Western Cape, Stellenbosch Dist. jonkershoek. Swartboskloof., 701 - 701m

175846Esterhuysen, E.E.   153911949-05-15
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Peninsula. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Peninsula. Table Mountain. Lower plateau., 762 - 762m

175847Esterhuysen, E.E.   165931949-10-23
South Africa, Western Cape, Porterville Dist. Mountains above Porterville., 609 - 914m

175848Esterhuysen, E.E.   17427
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Peninsula. Table Mountain., 457 - 609m

175849Esterhuysen, E.E.   20207
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Weenen Div. Injasuti area. Drakensberg., 2286 - 2286m

175850Esterhuysen, E.E.   255701956-04-07
South Africa, Western Cape, Paarl Dist. Bains Kloof.

175851Garside, S.   M.621916-09-10
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town. Camps Bay Wood.

175852Garside, S.   66181953-06-29
South Africa, Western Cape, Paarl Dist. Paarl Rock, summit., 728 - 728m

175853Garside, S.   66701955-07-03
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Peninsula. Camps Bay. Below the Round House., 91 - 91m

175854Garside, S.   66701955-07-03
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Peninsula. Camps Bay. Below the Round House., 91 - 91m

175855Glover, R.   H.B.651865-06-18
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Top of Table Mountain, near Graaf Reinet.

175856Harrison, E.R.   7861985-02-26
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. QDS: 2929AB (Grid name: Underberg), Underberg Division: (Estcourt District), Giants Castle Game Reserve.

175857Harrison, E.R.   8551985-04-25
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. QDS: 2732CC (Grid name: Ubombo), Ubombo Division: (Hluhluwe District), Makowe, west of Hluhluwe.

175858Hedderson, T.A.J.   133662000-10-27
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town. Table Mountain. Shallow valley at head of Fountain Ravine., -33.966388 18.408333, 1000 - 1000m

175859Hedderson, T.A.J.   14209a2001-09-18
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town. Table Mountain. Woodhead Reservoir. Trees near road on South Side., -33.975833 18.402222, 700 - 700m

175860Hedderson, T.A.J.   142612001-09-21
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3319AA (Grid name: Worcester), Groot Winterhoek Nature Reserve. Path from Tulbagh to Sneeugat. Die Vurk. Kloof forest between two crossings of path and stream., -33.151388 19.172222, 840 - 840m

175861Hedderson, T.A.J.   146862002-09-22
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3322CD (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), George Area. Outeniqua Mountains. Road to Montagu Pass at point of crossing small stream., -33.901388 22.414444, 780 - 780m

175862Hedderson, T.A.J.   147062002-09-22
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3322CD (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), George Area. Outeniqua Mountains. Road to Montagu Pass. Old smithy at Boshoff se Draai., -33.880833 22.430833, 800 - 800m

175863Hedderson, T.A.J.   148482002-10-22
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. QDS: 3030CB (Grid name: Port Shepstone), Port Shepstone District. Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve, near bushcamp at entrance., -30.730555 30.2725, 450 - 450m

175864Hedderson, T.A.J.   148982002-10-25
South Africa, Eastern Cape. QDS: 3326BC (Grid name: Grahamstown), Grahamstown area. Signal Hill, on southern slope., -33.333333 26.514722, 750 - 750m

175865Hedderson, T.A.J.   149502002-11-25
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3219CC (Grid name: Wuppertal), Oliphant's River Mountains. Heidedal Farm., -32.932222 19.060555, 780 - 780m

175866Hedderson, T.A.J.   151162003-06-25
South Africa, Eastern Cape. QDS: 3325BD (Grid name: Port Elizabeth), Addo Elephant Park. Spekboom Lookout area., -33.491666 25.768055, 330 - 330m

175867Hedderson, T.A.J.   153242003-10-18
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3219CC (Grid name: Wuppertal), Porterville area. Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Area. Start of trail to De Tronk., -32.999444 19.054166, 900m

175868Hedderson, T.A.J.   156322004-10-08
South Africa, Limpopo. QDS: 2329BB (Grid name: Pietersburg), Louis Trichardt area. Soutpans Berg. Hanglip., -23.002777 29.878611, 1560 - 1560m

175869Hedderson, T.A.J.   156382004-10-08
South Africa, Limpopo. QDS: 2329BB (Grid name: Pietersburg), Louis Trichardt area. Soutpans Berg. Hanglip., -23.002777 29.878611, 1560 - 1560m

175870Hedderson, T.A.J.   156792004-10-08
South Africa, Limpopo. QDS: 2229DD (Grid name: Waterpoort), Louis Trichardt area. South Side of Soutpans Berg. Road to school just off N1 in the mountain pass., -22.972777 29.931944, 1250 - 1250m

175871Hedderson, T.A.J.   159192005-03-18
South Africa, Eastern Cape. QDS: 3325BD (Grid name: Port Elizabeth), Paterson area. South side of Zuurberg on N10 at Oliphantskop Pass., -33.318844 25.942858, 680 - 680m

175872Hedderson, T.A.J.   16987b2009-05-05
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3322DD (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), Southern Cape. Sedgefield-Knysna area, Karatara. Karatara Forest., -33.890277 22.8575, 350 - 350m

175873Hylander, K.   108422000-11-15
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town. Table Mountain. Second Waterfall Ravine, slopes of Devil's Peak, along 400m contour path., -33.955555 18.441666, 475 - 475m

175874Hylander, K.   108432001-01-15
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town. Table Mountain. Wood Ravine, NW slopes, ca 50m above Pipe Track contour path, in ravine., -33.973611 18.385555, 360 - 360m

175875Hylander, K.   108442000-11-27
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Table Mountain. Window Gorge, south eastern slopes, ca 120m below 400m contour path in ravine., -33.980555 18.429166, 260 - 260m

175876Hylander, K.   108452000-12-21
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318DD (Grid name: Cape Town), Stellenbosch, Jonkershoek. Langrivier, ca 3km south-east of Jonkershoek dam., -33.985 18.974444, 420 - 420m

175877Hylander, K.   108462000-12-06
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Town, Table Mountain, Orange Kloof. Original Disa Gorge, ca. 100m above jeep track (400m contour) in ravine., -33.996111 18.398888, 400 - 400m

175878Hylander, K.   108472000-12-28
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318DD (Grid name: Cape Town), Stellenbosch, Jonkershoek. Assegaaibos, ca. 500m WSW of village of Assegaaibos, into ravine., -33.972777 18.920277, 320 - 320m

175879McLea, J.H.   A. Rehmann 509
South Africa, Mpumalanga, Transvaalia : in montibus Kwatlamba ad Pilgrimsrest [Kwatlamba = Drakensberg (Bothalia 14, 1: 1-14 1982), at Pilgrim's Rest].

175880McLea, J.H.   A. Rehmann 510
South Africa, Mpumalanga, Transvaalia : in montibus Kwatlamba ad Mac Mac [Kwatlamba = Drakensberg (Bothalia 14, 1: 1-14 1982), at Mac Mac].

175881McLea, J.H.   A. Rehmann 510b
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Colonia Capensis orientalis: Valley of Desolation.

175882McLea, J.H.   A. Rehmann 511b
South Africa, Mpumalanga, Transvaalia : in montibus Kwatlamba ad Mac Mac [Kwatlamba = Drakensberg (Bothalia 14, 1: 1-14 1982), at Mac Mac].

175884Rehmann, A.   512
South Africa, Limpopo. QDS: 2329DD (Grid name: Pietersburg), Transvaalia : in umbrosis ad Houtbosh [Houtboschberg, 2329DD-Bothalia 14, 1: 1-14 1982].

175885Pillans, N.S.   33361919-01-26
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Peninsula. Table Mountain, hills north of Woodhead Reservoir.

175886Pillans, N.S.   39971920-09-05
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3418AB (Grid name: Simonstown), Cape Peninsula. Noordhoek Mountain, southern slopes.

175887Pillans, N.S.   40521919-11-29
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Peninsula. Lions Head, upper western slopes.

175888Pillans, N.S.   Sub-CH 128041925-04-10
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3418BB (Grid name: Simonstown), Stellenbosch Dist. Above Lourensford, near Somerset West. [Helderberg].

175889Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   1381968-09-08
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Peninsula. Table Mountain, aquaduct wall above Window gorge., 844 - 844m

175890Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   2117
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. QDS: 2828DB (Grid name: Bethlehem), Drakensberg. Sentinel., 2896 - 2896m

175891Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   2117
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. QDS: 2828DB (Grid name: Bethlehem), Drakensberg. Sentinel (upper slopes)., 2896 - 2896m

175892Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   2117
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. QDS: 2828DB (Grid name: Bethlehem), Bethlehem Division: Drakensberg, Cathedral Peak Forest Reserve, Sentinel upper slopes., 2896 - 2896m

175893Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   2117
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. QDS: 2828DB (Grid name: Bethlehem), Drakensberg. Sentinel, upper slopes., 2896 - 2896m

175894Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   2137
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. QDS: 2828DB (Grid name: Bethlehem), Drakensberg. NPK. Fairy Glen., 1463 - 1463m

175895Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   75101971-02-13
South Africa, Eastern Cape. QDS: 3129CB (Grid name: Port St. Johns), Transkei, Isinoka [Isinuka], Port St. John's 3129DA [3129CB].

175896Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   7645
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3419BD (Grid name: Caledon), Platbos., 1524 - 1524m

175897Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E.   76851977-01-22
South Africa, Free State. QDS: 2828DB (Grid name: Bethlehem), Drakensberg. Witsieshoek, base of Sentinel., 2743 - 2743m

Page 1492, records 149101-149200 of 189241

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