Dataset: BOL
Search Criteria: South Africa; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1108, records 110701-110800 of 189362

Bolus Herbarium

BOL128123Rourke, J.P.   14011973-09-19
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3420 B, North Slopes of the Potberg, at the farm 'Diepkloof'. C.P. Locally common, 121 - 121m

BOL128124Rourke, J.P.   15061976-12-02
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3319A (Grid name: Worcester), Upper Olifants River valley, Visgat and Bollemakiesiefloof. (Worcester), 640 - 640m

BOL128125Rourke, J.P.   2731976-05-25
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3420 B, Potberg, south slopes near Hamerkop. (Bredasdorp), 365 - 365m

BOL128126Rourke, J.P.   14101974-06-18
South Africa, Eastern Cape. QDS: 3325 C, Van Stadensberg Forest Reserve, between Loerie and Otterford, C.P. (Port Elizabeth), 609 - 609m

BOL128127Bodkin, A.A.   Sub-BH60891883-07-01
South Africa, Western Cape, In clivis montosis, Mitchells Pass, Protea cf caualiculata, 548 - 548m

BOL128128Rourke, J.P.   16801980-06-03
South Africa, Northern Cape. QDS: 3018AC (Grid name: Kamiesberg), Kamiesberg, Rooiberg, South East facing slopes below summit. (Coordinates determined by SANBI Rares Project 2005)., -30.445 18.105, 1280 - 1280m

BOL128129Rourke, J.P.   8411967-09-04
South Africa, Eastern Cape. QDS: 3129BC (Grid name: Port St. Johns), Port St, Johns, Between Fraser's and Picnic Falls, about 1/2ml. E of Ntsubane Forest Station, Luksikisiki, Transkei. On the edges of the gorge bet. the falls. Growing among T.M.S. outcrops in open grassland., 487 - 487m

BOL128130Rourke, J.P.   8411967-09-04
South Africa, Eastern Cape. QDS: 3129BC (Grid name: Port St. Johns), Port St, Johns, Between Fraser's and Picnic Falls, about 1/2ml. E of Ntsubane Forest Station, Lusikisiki, Transkei. On the edges of the gorge bet. the falls. Growing among T.M.S. outcrops in open grassland., 487 - 487m

BOL128131Rourke, J.P.   11681968-11-19
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3418 B, Btw. Sunny Seas and De Wets Bay, near Palmiet River Mouth, Caledon. Locally common on T.M.S. near sea. (Simonstown grid-ref), 15 - 15m

BOL128132Rourke, J.P.   6211966-10-17
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3322C (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), Oudtshoorn. Between Saffraan River and Kruis Pad, N.side of Robinson's Pass., 503 - 503m

BOL128133Rourke, J.P.   7711967-05-29
South Africa, Western Cape, Riversdale. Sunny flats south of Aasvoelberg, east of Albertinia., 243 - 243m

BOL128134Rourke, J.P.   9481967-10-15
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3420 B, Bet. Hamerkop Hill and Elands Pad, Potteberg. Growing in pure sand on sandy hillocks bet. the main ridge of limestone hills and the S. slopes of the Potteberg. Locally frequent., 152 - 152m

BOL128135Rourke, J.P.   6001966-09-24
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3420 B, Swellendam Distr. Diep Kloof Farm, hills on the north slopes of Potteberg. (Bredasdorp: grid ref) Locally common., 121 - 121m

BOL128136Rourke, J.P.   6241966-10-18
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3321C (Grid name: Ladismith), Muiskraal, north slopes of the Langeberg. On dry northern T.M.S. slopes (Ladismith), 609 - 609m

BOL128137Rourke, J.P.   11411968-10-20
South Africa, Western Cape, 1/2 ml south of summit of Versveld Pass, Piketberg dist., 731 - 731m

BOL128138Compton, R.H.   BH 200791951-10-05
South Africa, Western Cape, Ceres division. Obtained from the Ceres wild flower show

BOL128139Rycroft, H.B.   21251958-08-24
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3218D (Grid name: Clanwilliam), Between Redelinghuis and Aurora, Piketberg dist. (Clanwilliam grid-ref)

BOL128140Compton, R.H.   28221924-11-30
South Africa, Western Cape, Top of the Witteberg, Laingsburg division

BOL128141Bolus, H.   Sub-BH80771898-10-01
South Africa, Western Cape, In collibus prope Gordon's Bay, False Bay., 152 - 152m

BOL128142Rourke, J.P.   17791982-08-24
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3322C (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), Outeniqua Mountains, north slopes of Moordkuils rivier. Catchment area on Klein Morals Farm. (Oudsthoon)

BOL128143Rourke, J.P.   20301993-10-20
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3419 B, Groottoren, north slopes of Riversonderend Mountains, above Olifandsdoorn Farm, on west side of koppie NW Aasvoelkrans. (Caledon), 746 - 746m

Vexatorella alpina (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
BOL128144Rourke, J.P.   9581967-10-22
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3219D (Grid name: Wuppertal), Katbakkies, Swartruggens Range, btw. Cold Bokkeveld and Ceres Karroo. On dry rocky north facing T.M.S. hillside., 1067 - 1067m

BOL128145Rourke, J.P.   11611968-10-29
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3320BA (Grid name: Montagu), Summit of the Witteberg, at Bantams, Laingsburg. On Witteberg quartzite., 1478 - 1478m

BOL128146Williams, I.J.M.   8721966-08-23
South Africa, Western Cape, South top of Pakhuis Pass. Clanwilliam division. Level Sandy soil between T.M.S cliffs, 884 - 884m

BOL128147Williams, I.J.M.   8981966-09-19
South Africa, Western Cape, On Forestry Road from Pakhuis to Heuningvlei. Clanwilliam div., 990 - 990m

BOL128148Williams, I.J.M.   8691966-08-23
South Africa, Western Cape, van Rhyns Pass/ Nieuwoudville. Calvinia division. Sandy, level T.M.S. soil, 792 - 792m

BOL128149Edwards, G.   132571915-08-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Pickenier's Pass. Clanwilliam Division

BOL128150Edwards, G.   132571915-08-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Pickenier's Pass. Clanwilliam Division

BOL128151Stephens, E.L.   69311911-11-21
South Africa, Western Cape, Olifant's River Mts. Behind Warm Baths

BOL128152Schlechter, F.R.R.   84871896-08-12
South Africa, Western Cape, 'ZEEKOE VLEY' , Clanwilliam division(*this locality seems rather to be Clanwilliam division where Schlechter was at about this date and is so quoted in Flor. Cap.)

BOL128153Schlechter, F.R.R.   84861896-08-12
South Africa, Western Cape, 'ZEEKOE VLEY' , Clanwilliam division(*this locality seems rather to be Clanwilliam division where Schlechter was at about this date and is so quoted in Flor. Cap.)

BOL128154Esterhuysen, E.E.   316201966-10-25
South Africa, Western Cape, Ceres division.; Gideons Kop; S. Cedarburg. On the plateau below the peak in firm sand and rock., 1493 - 1493m

BOL128155Esterhuysen, E.E.   316201966-10-25
South Africa, Western Cape, Ceres division.; Gideons Kop, North Cold Bokkeveld. Fairly level hard ground among T.M.S., 1493 - 1493m

BOL128156Esterhuysen, E.E.   316201966-10-25
South Africa, Western Cape, Ceres Division: Gideons Kop, S. Cedarburg on the plateau below the peak, in firm sand and rock.

Leucadendron nitidum H.Buek ex Meisn.
BOL128157Schlechter, F.R.R.   88721896-11-05
South Africa, Western Cape, Koude Bokkeveld

Leucadendron nitidum H.Buek ex Meisn.
BOL128158Schlechter, F.R.R.   88711896-11-05
South Africa, Western Cape, Koude Bokkeveld

Leucadendron nitidum H.Buek ex Meisn.
BOL128159Schlechter, F.R.R.   88721896-11-05
South Africa, Western Cape, Koude Bokkeveld

Leucadendron nitidum H.Buek ex Meisn.
BOL128160Schlechter, F.R.R.   88301896-11-03
South Africa, Western Cape, EZELBANK. In montibus Cedarbergen-prope Wuppethal in district Clanwilliam, 1219 - 1219m

Leucadendron nitidum H.Buek ex Meisn.
BOL128161Schlechter, F.R.R.   88291896-11-03
South Africa, Western Cape, EZELBANK. In montibus Cedarbergen-prope Wuppethal in district Clanwilliam, 1219 - 1219m

BOL128162Williams, I.J.M.   30131980-06-25
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3322C (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), Modderasskloof, north side of the Outeniqua Mountains, George Division. Gently sloping gravelly ground with blackish stones. (Oudtshoorn GridRef), 590 - 590m

BOL128163Esterhuysen, E.E.   64741941-11-03
South Africa, Western Cape, Flora south western region. Unioindale division, Mannetjieberg, rocky S. slopes., 1524 - 1524m

Leucadendron dregei E.Mey. ex Meisn.
BOL128164Bolus, H.   122671905-12-01
South Africa, In saxiosis, in summo monte. (in stony/rocky places, on top of the mountain) Zwarteberg Pass, Prince Albert division., 1463 - 1463m

BOL128165Williams, I.J.M.   2861963-09-16
South Africa, Western Cape, Avoca, Uitenkraals R, Caledon Div. Damp level ground in valley bottom., 76 - 76m

BOL128166Williams, I.J.M.   10171967-08-10
South Africa, Western Cape, Tigerberg, Kobee Pass. Van Rhynsdorp Division. Level ground, T.M.S. sandy soil, 792 - 792m

BOL128167Williams, I.J.M.   421961-10-10
South Africa, Western Cape, Onderboskloof, Graskop. Ceres Division

BOL128168Williams, I.J.M.   421961-10-10
South Africa, Western Cape, Onderboskloof, valley. Ceres Division

Leucadendron loranthifolium (Salisb. ex Knight) I.Williams
BOL128169Sladen   67961911-09-22
South Africa, Western Cape, Flats between Driefontein and Herren Logement.

Leucadendron loranthifolium (Salisb. ex Knight) I.Williams
BOL128170Sladen   67961911-09-22
South Africa, Western Cape, Flats between Driefontein and Herren Logement.

Leucadendron loranthifolium (Salisb. ex Knight) I.Williams
BOL128171Sladen   67961911-09-22
South Africa, Western Cape, Flats between Driefontein and Herren Logement.

Leucadendron loranthifolium (Salisb. ex Knight) I.Williams
BOL128172Williams, I.J.M.   6061965-06-10
South Africa, Western Cape, Clanwilliam Div.: Hills above Jakkalsvlei to the East., 609 - 609m

BOL128173Phillips, E.P.   74111911-09-01
South Africa, CP, Gift Berge 1-2000', 609 - 609m

BOL128174Williams, I.J.M.   13381968-10-29
South Africa, Western Cape, Lainsberg Div.: Witteberg near F.M. tower at Bantams., 1493 - 1493m

BOL128175Williams, I.J.M.   9571966-10-26
South Africa, Western Cape, Ceres Div.: Summit of Gydo Pass., 1018 - 1018m

BOL128176Williams, I.J.M.   5211964-09-29
South Africa, Western Cape, Lainsburg Div.; 5 m. W. of Sevenweeks Poort, N. side., 1189 - 1189m

BOL128177Williams, I.J.M.   5211964-09-29
South Africa, Western Cape, Lainsburg Div.; 5 m. W. of Sevenweeks Poort, N. side., 1189 - 1189m

BOL128178Williams, I.J.M.   4911964-08-23
South Africa, Western Cape, Worcester Div.; Jonaskop., 914 - 914m

BOL128179Williams, I.J.M.   7671966-06-26
South Africa, Western Cape, Swellendam; S. side, Tradouw Pass., 213 - 213m

BOL128180Williams, I.J.M.   4501964-06-29
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Uitenhage Div.; Longmore Forest, Van Stadensberg., 274 - 274m

BOL128181Williams, I.J.M.   12121968-08-01
South Africa, CP, Uniondale Div.; Saptokop, above Diepte van Ellande. Bo Kouga., 1295 - 1295m

BOL128182Williams, I.J.M.   12121968-08-01
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Uniondale Div.; Saptokop, above Diepte van Ellande. Bo Kouga., 1295 - 1295m

BOL128183Comm.: Arbuthnot, IA   Sub-BH139041916-06-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Near summit of mountains behind The Baths, Montagu.

BOL128185Williams, I.J.M.   13771968-12-17
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Outeniquaberge near Misgund., 823 - 823m

BOL128186Williams, I.J.M.   9621964-06-29
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Humansdorp Div.; Loerie Forest Reserve.

BOL128187Williams, I.J.M.   13811969-01-06
South Africa, Western Cape, Mannetjiesberg, Kammanassie Mts., 1402 - 1402m

BOL128188MacOwan, P.   7861888-05-01
South Africa, Western Cape, In humidis planities Capensis prope Wynberg., 30 - 30m

Leucadendron microcephalum (Gand.) Gand. & Schinz
BOL128189Zeyher, C.L.P.   3635
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon Div., Grietjes Pass, Zeyher, 3635 partly! [Cited in Flora Capensis, Vol 5, page 502, (1912) Author: By J. Hutchinson, E.P. Phillips and O. Stapf].

Leucadendron microcephalum (Gand.) Gand. & Schinz
BOL128190Stokoe, T.P.   Sub-BH156681918-09-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon Div.; Stanford.

BOL128191Williams, I.J.M.   6221965-07-26
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp Div.; 2 m. S. of Elim., 91 - 91m

BOL128192Williams, I.J.M.   6211965-07-26
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp Div.; 2 m. S. of Viljoenshof., 121 - 121m

BOL128193Williams, I.J.M.   12011968-07-06
South Africa, Western Cape, Ceres Div.; Visgat, N. of Achterwitsenbergvlakte., 640 - 640m

BOL128194Williams, I.J.M.   12011968-07-06
South Africa, Western Cape, Ceres Div.; Visgat, N. of Achterwitsenbergvlakte., 640 - 640m

BOL128195Williams, I.J.M.   12011968-07-06
South Africa, Western Cape, Ceres Div.; Visgat, N. of Achterwitsenbergvlakte., 640 - 640m

BOL128196Williams, I.J.M.   5861965-04-26
South Africa, Western Cape, Worcester Div.; National Road W. of Worcester., 1829 - 1829m

BOL128197Williams, I.J.M.   5861965-04-26
South Africa, Western Cape, Worcester Div.; National Road W. of Worcester., 1829 - 1829m

BOL128198Williams, I.J.M.   5861965-04-26
South Africa, Western Cape, Worcester Div.; National Road W. of Worcester., 1829 - 1829m

BOL128199Williams, I.J.M.   5861965-04-26
South Africa, Western Cape, Worcester Div.; National Road W. of Worcester., 1829 - 1829m

BOL128200Williams, I.J.M.   9071966-09-20
South Africa, Western Cape, Hopefield Div.; 6.3 m. N of Hopefield., 60 - 60m

BOL128201Pillans, N.S.   97871942-09-06
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Div.; sandy flats, north side of E end of Slangkop Ridge, Cape Peninsula.

BOL128202Pillans, N.S.   97871942-09-06
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Div.; sandy flats, north side of E end of Slangkop Ridge, Cape Peninsula.

Leucadendron gandogeri Schinz ex Gand.
BOL128203Guthrie, L.   266631942-08-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon Div.; Shaw's Pass.

Leucadendron gandogeri Schinz ex Gand.
BOL128204Guthrie, L.   266631942-08-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon Div.; Shaw's Pass.

Leucadendron gandogeri Schinz ex Gand.
BOL128205Guthrie, L.   266631942-08-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon Div.; Shaw's Pass.

BOL128206Williams, I.J.M.   6171965-07-13
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Prov.: Bredasdorp Div.; Limestone hills, Bredasdorp Poort., 30 - 30m

BOL128207Williams, I.J.M.   6171965-07-13
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Prov.: Bredasdorp Div.; Limestone hills, Bredasdorp Poort., 30 - 30m

BOL128208Salter, T.M.   87571942-08-28
South Africa, Western Cape, C. Peninsula: border of a marsh near roadside at Modderdam.

BOL128209Salter, T.M.   87571942-08-28
South Africa, Western Cape, C. Peninsula: border of a marsh near roadside at Modderdam.

BOL128210Salter, T.M.   87571942-08-28
South Africa, Western Cape, C. Peninsula: border of a marsh near roadside at Modderdam.

BOL128211Pillans, N.S.   97861942-08-30
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Div.; S. base of Twelve Apostles, nr. Hout Bay stream, marshy ground and slopes nr stream. C. Peninsula.

BOL128212Pillans, N.S.   97861942-08-30
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Div.; S. base of Twelve Apostles, nr. Hout Bay stream, marshy ground and slopes nr stream. C. Peninsula.

BOL128213Esterhuysen, E.E.   80021942-09-05
South Africa, Western Cape, Wynberg. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Div, Cape Peninsula, Table Mountain, Nursery Buttress among rocks., -33.9825 18.4175

BOL128214Esterhuysen, E.E.   80021942-09-05
South Africa, Western Cape, Wynberg. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Div, Cape Peninsula, Table Mountain, Nursery Buttress among rocks., -33.9825 18.4175

BOL128215Esterhuysen, E.E.   80021942-09-05
South Africa, Western Cape, Wynberg. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Cape Div, Cape Peninsula, Table Mountain, Nursery Buttress., -33.9825 18.4175

BOL128216Williams, I.J.M.   10681967-02-21
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon div, Hort. Voelklip, Hermanus. Grown from seed collected from robinson pass. W124, 15 - 15m

BOL128217Williams, I.J.M.   5621964-11-21
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Port Shepston Div, Ematyeni, Italeni above Oribi Gorge, on Borders Farm., 487 - 487m

BOL128218Rourke, J.P.   21101995-11-09
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3320B (Grid name: Montagu), Witteport, extreme western end of Klein Swarteberg. On arid plateau on summit of ridge. Locally frequent in arid fynbos., 975 - 975m

BOL128219Rourke, J.P.   21101995-11-09
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3320B (Grid name: Montagu), Witteport, extreme western end of Klein Swarteberg. On arid plateau on summit of ridge. Locally frequent in arid fynbos., 975 - 975m

BOL128220Williams, I.J.M.   9821967-01-05
South Africa, Eastern Cape. QDS: 3324CD (Grid name: Steytlerville), Humansdorp Div. Guerna Kop. Steep, gravelly and stony T.M.S. slopes., 475 - 475m

BOL128221Muir, J.   12341914-01-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Albertinia

BOL128222Bolus, H.   52261879-11-01
South Africa, Western Cape, In high mountain of Winterhoeks, very close to Tulbagh, 884 - 884m

Agelanthus transvaalensis (Sprague) Polhill & Wiens
BOL128224Galpin, E.E.   8791890-05-01
South Africa, Mpumalanga, Barberton., 762 - 914m

Page 1108, records 110701-110800 of 189362

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