Dataset: BOL
Search Criteria: South Africa; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1040, records 103901-104000 of 190629

Bolus Herbarium

120779Cameron, A.   s.n.1980-10-03
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3418BB (Grid name: Simonstown), Strand District. Roadside just outside Gordon's Bay on the way to the Sir Lowry's Pass road.

120780Buys, MH   s.n.1975-09-22
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318DC (Grid name: Cape Town), Bellville District. Tygerberg Nature Reserve.

120781Levyns, M.R.B.   s.n.1931-10-02
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318BC (Grid name: Cape Town), Near Mamre., 152 - 152m

120782Levyns, M.R.B.   s.n.1931-10-02
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318BC (Grid name: Cape Town), Near Mamre.

120783Compton, R.H.   s.n.1931-09-13
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318BC (Grid name: Cape Town), Malmesbury Division. Hills near Mamre., 152 - 152m

120784Muir   s.n.
South Africa, Western Cape

120785Muir, J.   s.n.1923-04-01
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3421AA (Grid name: Riversdale), Riversdale Division. Oakdale on flats., -34.07222 21.24417, 60 - 60m

120786Muir, J.   s.n.1915-05-01
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3421BA (Grid name: Riversdale), Oude Tuin near Albertinia.

Relhania garnotii (Less.) K.Bremer
BOL120788Muir, J.   449
South Africa, Western Cape, Riversdale. QDS: 3421AB (Grid name: Riversdale), Banks of Vet River, Riversdale, -34.09702 21.27249

Relhania garnotii (Less.) K.Bremer
120789Muir, J.   s.n.1909-06-01
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3421AB (Grid name: Riversdale), Riversdale. Banks of Vet River.

Diosma tenella I.Williams
BOL120789Williams, I.J.M.   27811979-06-20
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3420CB (Grid name: Bredasdorp), Bredasdorp Division. Bredasdorp/ Skipskop road 23km from Bredasdorp at boundary of farms Moerasfontein and Uyshoek., -34.625 20.375, 12 - 12m

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120790Williams, I.J.M.   30501980-08-13
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420CB (Grid name: Bredasdorp), BREDASDORP DIVISION, BREDASDORP/ SKIPSKOP ROAD, 23km FROM BREDASDORP AT BOUNDARY OF FARMS MOERASFONTEIN AND UYSHOEK, -34.56242 20.25562, 12 - 12m

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120791Bean, P.A.   10981982-12-12
South Africa, Western Cape, Mossel Bay. QDS: 3421BD (Grid name: Riversdale), MOSSEL BAY DISTRICT, NEAR GOURITZ RIVER MOUTH, -34.3401 21.8892

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120792Bean, P.A.   2121979-06-20
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420CB (Grid name: Bredasdorp), BREDASDORP DISTRICT, BETWEEN BREDASDORP AND SKIPSKOP, 8 MILES FROM BREDASDORP/ SKIPSKOP TURNOFF, -34.55766 20.26975, 15 - 15m

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120793Esterhuysen, E.E.   172411950-05-25
South Africa, Western Cape, Riversdale. QDS: 3321CC (Grid name: Ladismith), RIVERSDALE DIVISION, SLOPES OF THE LANGEBERG AT GARCIA FOREST STATION, -33.96265 21.21106

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120794Burgers, C.J.   18861979-06-17
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420CB (Grid name: Bredasdorp), ALONG BREDASDORP/SKIPSKOP ROAD, 23km FROM BREDASDORP AT BOUNDARY OF FARMS MOERASFONTEIN AND UYSHOEK, -34.5591 20.2661, 10 - 10m

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120795Williams, I.J.M.   30501980-08-13
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420CB (Grid name: Bredasdorp), BREDASDORP DIVISION, BREDASDORP/ SKIPSKOP ROAD, 23km FROM BREDASDORP, -34.56242 20.25562, 12 - 12m

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120796Burgers, C.J.   19801979-06-21
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420AD (Grid name: Bredasdorp), DE HOOP - POTBERG NATURE RESERVE, FLATS COURSE OF POTTEBERGSRIVIER, 4km WW OF POTBERG BUILDINGS, -34.38021 20.46893, 110 - 110m

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120797Burgers, C.J.   24571980-08-19
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420AD (Grid name: Bredasdorp), DE HOOP - POTBERG NATURE RESERVE, MELKBOSHEUWEL, 4km W. OF POTBERG RESIDENCE, -34.36827 20.48167, 120 - 120m

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120798Williams, I.J.M.   30461980-08-13
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420BC (Grid name: Bredasdorp), BREDASDORP DIVISION, 3.5km S.E. OF POTBERG HOMESTEAD, -34.39936 20.55717, 152 - 152m

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120799Burgers, C.J.   24551980-08-18
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420BC (Grid name: Bredasdorp), DE HOOP- POTBERG NATURE RESERVE, S. BASE OF POTBERG, 2.5km S.E. OF POTBERG, -34.40686 20.54428, 180 - 180m

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120800Esterhuysen, E.E.   172411950-05-25
South Africa, Western Cape, Riversdale. QDS: 3321CC (Grid name: Ladismith), GARCIA FOREST STATION, -33.96835 21.20688

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120801Muir, J.   411908-12-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Riversdale. QDS: 3421AB (Grid name: Riversdale), RIVERSDALE COMMONAGE, -34.11383 21.27919

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120802Compton, R.H.   225941951-01-30
South Africa, Western Cape, Riversdale. QDS: 3421BA (Grid name: Riversdale), NEAR ALBERTINIA, -34.2136 21.5848

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120803Stokoe, T.P.   s.n.1954-12-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Heidelberg (Cape). QDS: 3320DD (Grid name: Montagu), HEIDELBERG DIVISION, LANGEBERG, STRAWBERRY HILL, -33.9933 20.82417

Diosma tenella I.Williams
120804Burchell, W.J.   s.n.1914-11-27
South Africa, CP, On road over mountains from our station at the foot of the Great Southern Range at Mountain Station.

120806Goldblatt, P.   
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3419AA (Grid name: Caledon), detailed locality information protected

BOL120806Goldblatt, P.   
South Africa, Western Cape, detailed locality information protected

120807Guthrie, L.   
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3419AB (Grid name: Caledon), detailed locality information protected

120808Goldblatt, P.   
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3419AB (Grid name: Caledon), detailed locality information protected

120810Metelerkamp, W.A.   
South Africa, Western Cape, detailed locality information protected

BOL120810Metelerkamp, F.W.   
South Africa, Western Cape, detailed locality information protected

South Africa, Western Cape, detailed locality information protected

120812Van Zyl, D.   
South Africa, Western Cape, detailed locality information protected

120813Salter, T.M.   
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3419BD (Grid name: Caledon), detailed locality information protected

120814Barker, W.F.   
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3419BD (Grid name: Caledon), detailed locality information protected

South Africa, Western Cape, detailed locality information protected

120816Goldblatt, P.   
South Africa, Western Cape, detailed locality information protected

120817Goldblatt, P.   
South Africa, Western Cape, detailed locality information protected

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120818Schlechter, F.R.R.   s.n.
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3419DA (Grid name: Caledon), Elim., -34.59004 19.73724, 121 - 121m

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
BOL120818Schlechter, F.R.R.   7954
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3419DB (Grid name: Caledon), [Bredasdorp Division] Elim., -34.625 19.875, 121 - 121m

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120819Bolus, H.   84781895-07-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3419DA (Grid name: Caledon), NEAR ELIM, -34.58846 19.74096, 91 - 91m

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120820Bolus, H.   85311896-12-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3419DA (Grid name: Caledon), NEAR ELIM, -34.58846 19.74096, 91 - 91m

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120821Walgate, M.M.   711940-02-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420CA (Grid name: Bredasdorp), BREDASDORP DIVISION, MOUNTAIN OVER BREDASDORP, -34.5484 20.01979

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120822Esterhuysen, E.E.   348771978-04-11
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3419DB (Grid name: Caledon), BREDASDORP DISTRICT, RIETFONTEIN, -34.73239 19.78532

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120823Esterhuysen, E.E.   296891962-09-17
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3419DB (Grid name: Caledon), CALEDON DISTRICT, 15 MILES FROM ELIM, ON ROAD TO STRUYS BAY, -34.71645 19.93767

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120824Burgers, C.J.   24741980-08-20
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420BC (Grid name: Bredasdorp), FLATS ON S. SIDE OF POTBERG MOUNTAIN, 1km W.N.W. OF BUFFELSFONTEIN, -34.41111 20.58038, 135 - 135m

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120825Hafstrom, A.H.F.   21771938-12-06
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3419DB (Grid name: Caledon), BREDASDORP DIVISION, BREDASDORP MOUNTAINS, S. SLOPES, -34.509 19.80988

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120826Williams, I.J.M.   22751977-02-24
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3419DB (Grid name: Caledon), BREDASDORP DIVISION, BREDASDORP MOUNTAINS, S. SIDE, TOEKOMS NEAR BOSKLOOF, -34.55309 19.89572, 182 - 182m

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120827Williams, I.J.M.   20021975-05-20
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420CA (Grid name: Bredasdorp), BREDASDORP DIVISION, BREDASDORP MOUNTAINS, S. END NEAR PREEKSTOEL ROCKS, -34.56857 20.03281, 121 - 182m

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120828Williams, I.J.M.   21831976-07-13
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420CA (Grid name: Bredasdorp), BREDASDORP DIVISION, BREDASDORP, WILD FLOWER GARDEN, -34.54158 20.04163, 137 - 137m

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120829Williams, I.J.M.   17551973-01-30
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3419DA (Grid name: Caledon), BREDASDORP DIVISION, 2.5km S. OF VILJOENSHOF, -34.69262 19.70147, 91 - 91m

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120830Williams, I.J.M.   15931971-11-13
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3419DA (Grid name: Caledon), BREDASDORP DIVISION, ON ROAD TO DIE DAM, HILLS 0.5 MILES S. OF VILJOENSHOF, -34.69201 19.70137, 91 - 91m

Euchaetis diosmoides (Schltr.) I.Williams
120831Williams, I.J.M.   15921971-11-13
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3419DB (Grid name: Caledon), BREDASDORP DIVISION, HILLS ABOUT 1.5 MILES S. OF ELIM, -34.61345 19.75745, 76 - 76m

120832Schlechter, F.R.R.   s.n.1892-07-15
South Africa, Western Cape, Somerset West. QDS: 3418BB (Grid name: Simonstown), Sir Lowry's Pass., -34.13183 18.91229, 121 - 121m

BOL120832Schlechter, F.R.R.   11711892-07-15
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3418BB (Grid name: Simonstown), Sir Lowry's Pass., -34.13805 18.9325, 121 - 121m

120833Williams, I.J.M.   18391973-08-12
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420AC (Grid name: Bredasdorp), BREDASDORP DIVISION, HILL 18km FROM BREDASDORP TOWARDS SWELLENDAM ABOVE ROOIVLEI, -34.39978 20.15177, 182 - 182m

120834Goldblatt, P.   39931977-08-31
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon, Hermanus. QDS: 3419AC (Grid name: Caledon), CALEDON DIVISION, E. OF BOT RIVER BRIDGE ON HERMANUS ROAD, -34.31355 19.14899

120835Burgers, C.J.   17071979-01-24
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon. QDS: 3419AD (Grid name: Caledon), CALEDON DIVISION, 8km S. OF CALEDON, N. SIDE OF SHAWS PASS, 1.3km FROM TOP OF PASS IN OUTSPAN, -34.31161 19.41295, 285 - 285m

120836Esterhuysen, E.E.   50121941-02-24
South Africa, Western Cape, Hermanus. QDS: 3419AC (Grid name: Caledon), CALEDON DIVISION, HEMEL-EN-AARDE, -34.4 19.2167

120837Williams, I.J.M.   37781987-01-28
South Africa, Western Cape, Hermanus. QDS: 3419AC (Grid name: Caledon), CALEDON DIVISION, ONRUS MOUNTAINS, -34.40237 19.19974, 185 - 185m

120838Esterhuysen, E.E.   325931971-04-10
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon. QDS: 3419BB (Grid name: Caledon), CALEDON DISTRICT, ALONG THE NATIONAL ROAD TO CALEDON, ON THE BOT RIVER SIDE, -34.16327 19.83483

120839Walgate, M.M.   721940-02-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon. QDS: 3419AD (Grid name: Caledon), CALEDON DIVISION, SHAWS PASS, -34.31713 19.40611

120840Williams, I.J.M.   18251973-07-13
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon. QDS: 3419AB (Grid name: Caledon), CALEDON DIVISION, CAPE TOWN END OF CALEDON, BELOW THE ROAD, -34.22416 19.41118, 243 - 243m

120841Gillett, M.C.   s.n.1933-03-01
South Africa, Western Cape, [No locality given]

120842Pillans, N.S.   185641926-09-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon. QDS: 3419AB (Grid name: Caledon), 0.25 MILE W. OF CALEDON, ABOVE CAPE ROAD, -34.22347 19.41307

120843Levyns, M.R.B.   54021936-02-17
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon. QDS: 3419AD (Grid name: Caledon), TOP OF SHAWS MOUNTAIN, -34.31487 19.38654, 426 - 426m

120844Williams, I.J.M.   16531972-06-07
South Africa, Western Cape, Caledon. QDS: 3419AB (Grid name: Caledon), CALEDON DIVISION, W. END OF CALEDON, BETWEEN OLD ROAD AND THE NATIONAL ROAD, -34.2261 19.4154, 243 - 243m

Arctotheca forbesiana (DC.) K.Lewin
120845Esterhuysen, E.E.   346501977-09-21
South Africa, Western Cape, Malmesbury Dist.. QDS: 3318BC/DA (Grid name: Cape Town), "Riverlands".

Arctotheca forbesiana (DC.) K.Lewin
120846Unknown   Sub-Guthrie228
South Africa, Western Cape, Locality unknown.

Arctotheca forbesiana (DC.) K.Lewin
120847Esterhuysen, E.E.   231261954-09-15
South Africa, Western Cape, Stellenbosch Div.. QDS: 3418BB (Grid name: Simonstown), Flats between Strand and Gordon's Bay.

Arctotheca forbesiana (DC.) K.Lewin
120848Parker, R.N.   43481948-09-22
South Africa, Western Cape, Stellenbosch Div.. QDS: 3418BB (Grid name: Simonstown), Strand to Gordon's Bay.

Arctotheca forbesiana (DC.) K.Lewin
120849Nel, G.C.   Sub-STEU1247
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3418BB (Grid name: Simonstown), Flats near Somerset Strand.

Arctotheca forbesiana (DC.) K.Lewin
120850Wolley-Dod, A.H.   14791896-08-09
South Africa, Western Cape, Beyond Uitvlugt.

Arctotheca forbesiana (DC.) K.Lewin
120851Bolus, H.   Sub-BH7085
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3318CD (Grid name: Cape Town), Prope [near] Rapenburg, Bakbakiri's Vlei., 12m

120852Esterhuysen, E.E.   332121973-08-23
South Africa, Western Cape, George. QDS: 3322DD (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), GEORGE DISTRICT, MOLEN RIVER, 'EENSAAMHEID', SLOPES OF KOPPIE, -33.75833 22.79167

120853Esterhuysen, E.E.   164761949-11-09
South Africa, Western Cape, Uniondale. QDS: 3322DB (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), UNIONDALE DIVISION, S.E. SLOPES OF KAMANASSIE MOUNTAINS, AT LAUDINA, -33.69249 22.95812

120854Williams, I.J.M.   18401973-08-12
South Africa, Western Cape, Swellendam. QDS: 3420AC (Grid name: Bredasdorp), BREDASDORP DIVISION, HILLS 1km E. OF THE BREDASDORP/SWELLENDAM ROAD NEAR VREDE, -34.26977 20.24873, 289 - 289m

120855Williams, I.J.M.   s.n.1975-08-23
South Africa, Western Cape, George. QDS: 3322DD (Grid name: Oudtshoorn), OUDTSHOORN DIVISION, GEORGE, LONGKLOOF, EENSAAMHEID, -33.76565 22.78614, 685 - 701m

120856Williams, I.J.M.   27711979-06-19
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420BC (Grid name: Bredasdorp), BREDASDORP DIVISION, POTBERG, W. OF FARM HOUSE, -34.37626 20.52499, 152 - 152m

120857Williams, I.J.M.   24231977-12-27
South Africa, Western Cape, Riversdale. QDS: 3421AA (Grid name: Riversdale), RIVERSDALE DIVISION, RIVERSDALE, CORRENTE RIVER ROAD 2.1km FROM TURNOFF ON GARCIAS PASS ROAD, -34.05153 21.22262, 198 - 198m

120858Drege, J.F.   7114
South Africa, Locality unknown. [Eastern Cape, Western Cape Provincial distribution].

120859Von Ludwig   s.n.1826-10-09
South Africa, Mountains near Basson.

120860Levyns, M.R.B.   79961946-09-24
South Africa, Western Cape, Montagu. QDS: 3320CA (Grid name: Montagu), MONTAGU DIVISION, BADEN, -33.7132 20.1388, 762 - 762m

120861Levyns, M.R.B.   77131945-07-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Montagu. QDS: 3320CA (Grid name: Montagu), MONTAGU DIVISION, ZANDLEEGTE, -33.6972 20.192, 609 - 609m

120862Muir, J.   30871924-06-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Riversdale. QDS: 3421AB (Grid name: Riversdale), NEAR RIVERSDALE, -34.0987 21.2548

120863Walgate, M.M.   234261946-09-24
South Africa, Western Cape, Montagu. QDS: 3320CA (Grid name: Montagu), MONTAGU DIVISION, BADEN, -33.68774 20.10348

120864Manchip   861981-04-09
South Africa, Western Cape, Bredasdorp. QDS: 3420BC (Grid name: Bredasdorp), MALGAS DISTRICT, N.W. OF THE POTBERG HOMESTEAD (1.5km), -34.36539 20.52338

120865Kallersjo, M.   3231985-12-24
South Africa, Western Cape, Piketberg. QDS: 3218DC (Grid name: Clanwilliam), Between New Caledonia farm and Eagle's Pride Farm.

120866Rogers, F.A.   17400
South Africa, Western Cape, Tulbagh Road., 122m

120867Bolus, H.   5073
South Africa, Western Cape, Tulbagh Dist., Prope Nieuw Kloof [Near Nuwekloof]., 244m

120868Esterhuysen, E.E.   223381953-11-22
South Africa, Western Cape, Paarl Div., W foot of Bailey's Peak.

120869Esterhuysen, E.E.   223381953-11-22
South Africa, Western Cape, Paarl Div., W foot of Bailey's Peak.

120870Kallersjo, M.   1021985-10-29
South Africa, Western Cape, Piketberg. QDS: 3218DC (Grid name: Clanwilliam), Btween New Caledonica farm and Eagle's Pride Farm.

120871Kallersjo, M.   1031985-10-29
South Africa, Western Cape. QDS: 3218DC (Grid name: Clanwilliam), Piketberg, near Eagle's Pride Farm.

120874Pillans, N.S.   7028
South Africa, Western Cape, Paarl Div., Between Hermon and Vogel's Vley.

120875Bolus, H.   3375
South Africa, Western Cape, Prope [near] Cape Town, Rosebank., 15m

120876Goulimis, C.   Sub-BH229031944-05-01
South Africa, Western Cape, Lion's Head, east slope.

120877Zeyher, C.L.P.   182
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Dist., Near Rondebosch.

120879Pillans, N.S.   32851919-01-05
South Africa, Western Cape, Rosebank, 200 yds NW of the end of Camp Ground.

Page 1040, records 103901-104000 of 190629

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